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BioLogos Resources

BioLogos, a Christian advocacy group founded by Francis Collins, has granted CSI permission to share some resources they’ve created for their audience.

Science & Faith in Pandemic Times with BioLogos Founder Dr. Francis Collins

BioLogos hosted a live stream event with their founder, Dr. Francis Collins, who shared the latest research on the virus and how it spreads, debunking some of the false information that is circulating. He responds to viewer questions, explaining the science in understandable terms and showing what we each can do to help. (4/6/20)

BioLogos COVID-19 Resource Page

BioLogos, a Christian advocacy group that seeks to show the harmony between science and biblical faith, has granted CSI permission to share some resources they’ve created for their audience.

Language of God Podcast: Coronavirus | Science & Faith in Pandemic Times

In this episode of BioLogos’ Language of God podcast, scientists Ben McFarland, Stephen Schaffner, and Praveen Sethupathy are featured guests and talk about the science of coronavirus from a Christian perspective. (3/19/20)

Educational Activities for Your Kids While Quarantined

This article features a number of education activity links to podcasts and videos, museums and zoos, online field trips, online teaching resources, and faith resources. 

Seeking Christ’s Kingdom During COVID-19

This article is an encouraging read from Deborah Haarsma, president of BioLogos.